24 - 36 months

The children in this group have a planned day of both structured and free play, together with a learning environment designed for their individual needs.


Social skills and learn through play are a big part of the activities in this room.


We have group activities to encourage sharing, turn taking and communication skills.


We have story and song times each session and encourage sharing of books to develop literacy skills.


Maths and mark making are introduced by cooking, art work, messy play, construction play and drawing.


We have regular topics based on cultural festivals and the children’s interests.


Structured activities such as the mobile library, gardening, P.E and cooking are also available weekly or fortnightly.


The room has a role-play area, a construction area, sensory area, small world area, a messy play table, a mark making table and a book corner.


Toilet/potty training is started with parents support, ensuring that the process continues at Honeybear House as well as at home. Staff will be able to monitor and report on your child's progress at the end of each session. Children will be encouraged to dress and undress themselves and to cope with coats and shoes with help from the staff.


The children have supervised access to a nappy room, child height toilets and sinks.


Floor bed mats are available for children that require sleep during the day.


© 2015 Honeybear House