What Ofsted say about

Honeybear House


Summary of key findings for parents


This provision is good


 Staff provide an exciting and stimulating environment for the children. There are easily accessible resources that spark children's imagination and curiosity. As a result, children develop their independence and confidence as they make choices in their play.


Staff support children to develop their understanding of the world around them. They provide a range of pretend play costumes, equipment and resources. Staff skilfully support children's understanding of how things work, through positive interactions.


Staff ensure that children's allergy and dietary requirements are well supported. A senior member of staff always checks the children's food before they eat it, to ensure that their safety and well-being is assured.


The management have implemented good staff supervision, training and sharing of information between staff. This supports them in maintaining good practice throughout the nursery. As a result, children make good progress in their learning and development.


Inspection findings


How well the early years provision meets the needs of the range of children who attend. This is good


The quality of teaching is good and some is outstanding. Staff provide an exciting and stimulating environment for the children. It is well resourced and activities cover the seven areas of learning. Children develop the skills they need ready for the school environment. Staff support children's speaking and listening skills in group activities, such as games where staff hide objects under a blanket. Children are excited to think and take turns in guessing which object is missing. Staff routinely observe children in their play and make accurate assessments of their capabilities. As a result, they plan activities that are tailored to the children's individual learning needs to ensure they make good progress.


The contribution of the early years provision to the well-being of children is good


Children form warm, caring bonds with their key person, staff and each other. Staff support children well through changes. They ensure children are slowly introduced to the new rooms before they make the move. As a result, children are happy, confident and make relationships with other children and staff easily. Children develop their independence skills as they are encouraged to serve their own food, pour their own drinks and put on their own coats. Children learn about having a healthy lifestyle. Staff provide healthy, homemade meals and snacks. They also take part in regular physical exercise; they play running races in the garden and dance to music.


The effectiveness of the leadership and management of the early years provision is good


The management understand and implement the learning and development requirements well and keep children safe. All staff have robust recruitment checks to ensure they are suitable to work with children. Risk assessments are thorough and are regularly reviewed by staff, with checks throughout the day of the environment to ensure that children are kept safe. The management understand the appropriate action to take when an allegation is made against a member of staff, to protect the safety and welfare of the children. The management has taken quick and appropriate action to address all actions raised from the previous inspection. Systems in place to identify strengths and plans for improvement are working well and include the views of staff, children, parents and other professionals. The management oversee staffs' assessments of children to ensure that they are provided with timely support in their learning. Staff have formed positive relationships with parents. They comment that they are happy with the progress their children have made since attending and would recommend the nursery to other parents.


© 2015 Honeybear House